JTS User's Guide

Input and Output

The JTS API provides a couple of different ways to input and output geometry from the internal memory representation. One way is useful for situations where human readability is important, and the other way is a precise binary representation.

Well-Known Text Format

Well-Known Text format (WKT) provides a human-readable way of displaying and describing geometry objects.

Syntax Specification

The following syntax specification describes the version of Well-Known Text supported by . The specification uses a syntax language similar to that used in the C and Java language specifications.

WKTGeometry: one of
        WKTPoint  WKTLineString  WKTLinearRing  WKTPolygon
        WKTMultiPoint  WKTMultiLineString  WKTMultiPolygon

WKTPoint: POINT ( Coordinate )

WKTLineString: LINESTRING CoordinateSequence

WKTLinearRing: LINEARRING CoordinateSequence

WKTPolygon: POLYGON CoordinateSequenceList

WKTMultiPoint: MULTIPOINT CoordinateSequence

WKTMultiLineString: MULTILINESTRING CoordinateSequenceList

        MULTIPOLYGON ( CoordinateSequenceList { , CoordinateSequenceList } )

        GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ( WKTGeometry { , WKTGeometry } )

	( CoordinateSequence { , CoordinateSequence } )

	( Coordinate { , Coordinate } )

	Number Number Numberopt

Number: A Java-style floating-point number

Well-Known Binary Format

Well-Known Binary format (WKB) provides an efficent, exact means of representing geometry objects. Because the format is binary, it exactly represents floating-point values (unlike WKT, which unavoidably rounds exact floating-point values during conversion to and from the textual representation. WKB is often used as a format for communication between database systems and client software.

The WKB orignally defined in the OGC-SFS supports only 2-dimensional coordinates. Since many systems need to support 3-D coordinates, an extension to WKB has been informally defined as EWKB. It extends the WKB spec to allow representing geometry with 3-D coordinates. Each WKB packet is tagged to indicate whether it contains 2 or 3 dimensional coordinates. supports the EWKB extension.

Syntax Specification

The following syntax specification describes the version of Well-Known Binary supported by . The specification uses a language similar to the C type description syntax. Note the use of bit-field specifiers to define how the dimension indicator and the geometry type code are stored in the same 32-bit word.

Coordinate {
    double x;
    double y;
    [ double z; ]  // only if 3-D

CoordinateSeq {
    uint32     numCoords;
    Coordinate pts[numCoords];

enum wkbGeometryType {
    wkbPoint              = 1,
    wkbLineString         = 2,
    wkbPolygon            = 3,
    wkbMultiPoint         = 4,
    wkbMultiLineString    = 5,
    wkbMultiPolygon       = 6,
    wkbGeometryCollection = 7

enum wkbByteOrder {
    wkbXDR = 0,  // Big Endian
    wkbNDR = 1   // Little Endian

enum wkbDimension {
    is2D = 0,  // 2-D coordinates
    is3D = 1   // 3-D coordinates

WKBType {
    uint32  dimension : 1;
    uint32  geomType  : 31;

WKBGeometry {
    union {
        WKBPoint              point;
        WKBLineString         linestring;
        WKBPolygon            polygon;
        WKBGeometryCollection collection;
        WKBMultiPoint         mpoint;
        WKBMultiLineString    mlinestring;
        WKBMultiPolygon       mpolygon;
} }

WKBPoint {
    byte       byteOrder;
    WKBType    wkbType;  // = 1
    Coordinate point;

WKBLineString {
    byte          byteOrder;
    WKBType       wkbType;  // = 2
    CoordinateSeq seq;

WKBPolygon {
    byte          byteOrder;
    WKBType       wkbType;  // = 3
    uint32        numItems;
    CoordinateSeq rings[numItems];

WKBMultiPoint {
    byte          byteOrder;
    WKBType       wkbType;  // = 4
    CoordinateSeq seq;

WKBMultiLineString {
    byte          byteOrder;
    WKBType       wkbType;  // = 5
    uint32        numItems;
    WKBLineString wkbLineStrings[numItems];

WKBMultiPolygon {
    byte       byteOrder;
    WKBType    wkbType;  // = 6
    uint32     numItems;
    WKBPolygon wkbPolygons[numItems];

WKBGeometryCollection {
    byte        byteOrder;
    WKBType     wkbType;  // = 7
    uint32      numItems;
    WKBGeometry wkbGeometries[numItems];